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Books Published (

Written 25 books published by leading publishers like National Book Trust, New Century Book House, Concept Publisher, MD Publications and ICAR. Two books (i) Introduction to Research Methodology and (ii) Technology Communication and AV Aids received National Book Trust, India awarded and subsidized as low cost students’ edition. The details are given under:

Introduction to Research Methodology, NCBH, Madras (National Book Trust of India (NBT) publication/ students’ subsidy is granted for publication)

The book gives an overall understanding about the basics of research, scientific information management and communication of research findings. The book serves as a reference as well as text book for the post graduate and research scholars working in various fields of science for understanding different facets of scientific research process. The book comprises of three parts under which the chapters are grouped according to their subject matter coverage. The book gives valuable information about the various aspects of research methodology in a comprehensive manner tailored to the needs of research scholars of various disciplines for an easy understanding and practice. The book is recognized as a text book by the Indian Universities and subsidized by the National Book Trust of India, New Delhi as low cost student’s edition.

Technology communication and AV Aids in Extension Education. NCBH, Madras. (National Book Trust of India (NBT) publication / students’ subsidy is granted for publication)

Good communication is an art and it requires knowledge, imagination, ability to communicate and skills to select and use communication channels according to the situation. In Extension Education, Communication is made for influencing the people to make favorable behavioural changes in their knowledge; skills and attitude thereby improve their living status. For communicating an idea, experience or technology, extension professionals use audio visual aids as they help him to communicate the message effectively. The success depends upon the selection and use of Audio Visual Aids in the communication process. This book helps to understand the communication process and importance of Audio Visual Aids in technology communication. There are seventeen chapters dealing extensively with preparation and use of different types of A.V. Aids with respect to technology communication.

The book is unique in the following senses, (i) there is no comprehensive textbook written exclusively for A.V. Aids in extension education and it also covers the recent advances in the field, (ii)) in the existing situation the students have to refer number of foreign textbooks to get the above contents discussed in the book, (iii) the book is written keeping in mind of the Indian situation and covers the curriculum prescribed by our Indian Universities in the above subject matter, (iv) there is no single published textbook in the above field is available. Hence, the book will certainly prove very much useful to the undergraduate and postgraduate students and teachers of Indian Agricultural Universities and field extension personnel involved in the transfer of technology work.

This book helps to understand the communication process and importance of audio visual aids in technology communication. Under technology communication, there are six chapters aimed to provide detailed information about technology communication process, message treatment for communication, planning for technology communication and role of communication in extension work. Under the AV aids, preparation and use of different types of AV aids with respect to technology communication is dealt in detail. This book will help the learners and practioners of agricultural extension to understand the technology communication and AV aids as required and equip them with adequate strength to face the present and future challenges in the field. Recognized as a text book for the subject by Universities in India. National Book Trust of India has subsidized the book as a low cost edition for the benefit of the students.

Dairy Farming in Tropics, MD Publication, New Delhi.

The book presents valuable information on the performance of cross-breds and indigenous cattle with respect to reproduction, production, disease susceptibility and draught utility aspects under tropical field conditions. It discusses empirical evidence of various factors that are responsible for influencing the performance of dairy cattle under different farming systems locations. It also provides an insight to the services undertaken by the cattle development agencies, field level constraints experienced by them and farmers with respect to dairy farming. In view of the significance attached to the cross-breeding programme in the tropical countries like India, the book provides an insightful understanding about the multi various factors associated with dairy farming under tropical conditions involving different farming systems located under varied agro-ecological conditions.

The book also deals with the impact of crossbreeding programme with respect to milk production, draught power availability, and economics of development programmes. The book consists of seven chapters discussing the performance of cross breed and indigenous cattle, factors influencing their performance, performance of various agencies involved in the dairy development programme and constraints in implementing the cross breeding programme have been reported from the farmers and dairy development personnel point of view. The book is considered as an useful reference material by the scientists, policy makers, extension professionals, research scholars etc.

Dairy Development in India: An appraisal of Challenges and Achievements, 2003, Concept Publishers, New Delhi

This book holds great significance in identifying the operational modalities that have prevailed in the sector, and weighing up the pros and cons vis-à-vis the scope for the future. The book is a balanced, mature and in depth analysis of the developments in the sector, presented in the sequential order. It highlights the repercussions of different phases of dairy development of the past to determine the future scope for the sector. Towards this objective it adopted a scanning approach, starting with an in-depth review of the key village and intensive cattle development project, up to the cross breeding technology and technological intervention in breed up-gradation at various stages of dairy activities under operation flood over the last three decades, and up to the emerging scenarios in the post operation flood era. It reveals the rapid development made during each of these phases in the respective fields, to impact the national economy at a comparatively low cost to the government. To implicate the development phases to business prospects the SWOT analysis have been done and identified the critical intervention areas for improving the competitiveness of the domestic dairy sector from a global economic perspective.

The book provides an insight into the management and professional orientation of the dairy sector. It looks into the planning and evaluation of human resource requirements and the productivity in various spheres of dairy activities. It identifies the problems of bureaucracy and motivational problems among human resources and also highlights the probable consequences. The book has a separate section on the performance of the dairy cooperatives and analyses the success and failures. As this section is based on a primary study, its credibility in the contemporary world is high.

The book hints at the need to look at the dairy sector as more of an economic and commercial activity than just a development initiative. Hence, it gets into the need of evaluating the cost and benefits of various extension activities initiated at various stages of dairy development. It suggests a cost advantage approach to development programmes to enable commercial and market sustainability.

Overall the book provides an insight into the future requirements of the dairy sector, for it to balance its development commitment and ensure viability and sustainability from commercial view point, as against the development criteria used in the past. It is recommended as an essential reading for practicing managers in the sector, students, professionals and academicians.

Learning from failures: Management cases in Agricultural Extension, 2002, K.V.K. – C.T.R.I., Rajahmundry.

The book consists of 21 management cases written after analyzing 75 extension programmes implemented in the country. The book consists of wide range of cases related to development, administration, extension programmes, scientific project management, natural resources utilization and management, programme planning and evaluation, dairy industry, use of extension methods etc. The book is first of its kind in extension and received wide appreciation and commendation from the readers

From the cases presented in the book, it can be learnt that most of the extension programmes failed to evolve desired response due to lack of practical vision, lacuna in planning, poor implementation strategy, improper management of men and materials, unawareness of management techniques which are some of the otherwise avoidable features responsible for the failure of the programmes. From the cases, it can be informed that every situation is unique and therefore generalization based on assumptions lead to wrong direction and ultimately results in failure of the programme. Most of the situations need experienced and practical approach rather than an approach based on theories and principles. Most of the success stories written in extension were stereotyped and provide little opportunity for learning. This book provides information on reasons for failure and lessons learnt from the programmes which are useful for the managers of development programmes.

Farming System Analysis and Agricultural Development in the Tribal Areas of East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, 2002, KVK – CTRI, Rajahmundry.

This book is an outcome of a pioneer and model project on FSR/E aimed at achieving food security through agricultural development in the tribal areas of East Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh.

The book consists of three parts. The part I deal with the farming system approach and its relevance to the development of tribal agriculture. The details of FSR/E, its principles and approaches for tribal development is discussed in detail. Plan for viable crop livestock integration for tribal development is suggested. Part II of the book deals with the project planning and implementation aspect such as logical frame work and PERT.

Part III gives the details of the overview of the farming system analysis, issues related to the HRD, gender issues, technological gap, SWOT, action initiated and outcome. This part also deals with the low external input and sustainable agriculture (LEISA) aspects of the tribal farming, opportunities and limitations in the tribal development programmes.

Improved Fodder Production Technologies for Higher Milk Production, 2002, KVK – CTRI, Rajahmundry

The book provides valuable information about various green fodder varieties, their cultivation practices and strategies to be adopted for year round fodder production under various agro-ecological conditions prevailing in the country. The comprehensive information provided in the book helps the readers to understand various aspects of fodder production techniques under different situations experienced by farmers under field conditions. The cultivation practices of 25 fodder crops have been provided. In addition the technologies such as silage making, hay making, enrichment of low grade roughages, soil-plant-animal relationships, weed control, fodder production technologies for problematic and degraded land etc have been discussed in detail.

Rural Handicrafts – An Impact Study, 2002, KVK – CTRI, Rajahmundry

This book provides details of various income generation activities, technologies such as palmyrah fibre separator and banana fibre separator. The impact of various training programmes conducted under the rural handicrafts and mechanization of rural cottage industry have been analysed and reported. Part – I of this book helps the reader to understand the details of rural crafts programmes, the linkages and cooperation and highlights of the achievements. Part – II deals with the impact evaluation methodology, LFW and the technological aspects of the programme. Chapters in the part – III deals with the discussions based on the bench mark study, programme evaluation and impact of the training programmes. Part – IV of the book deals in detail about the palmyrah fibre separator and banana fibre extractor machines.

Agriculture, Environment and Forest: towards Reconciliation, 1999, Joint publication of Andaman Science Association, NABARD and Pride India Mission Trust and CARI, Port Blair.

This is an edited book consisting of the lead papers, invited lectures and accepted papers presented in the national symposium on the above subject organized by Andaman Science Association, CARI and NABARD. Effect of agriculture on forest, environment and biodiversity, impact of agricultural inputs on environment, strategies for sustainable development of agriculture in A&N islands, environmental consideration and sustainable development etc. are some of the important topics presented in the book. This book is considered as an useful reference material for the policy planners, researchers and development functionaries to know about the aspects of development and environmental considerations in a systems perspective.

World Trade Organization and Indian Agriculture, 2002, KVK – CTRI, Rajahmundry.

This publication was made to obey the call given by our Hon’ble Prime Minister to popularize the facts about WTO among farmers and extension functionaries. The publication aims at providing general information about the WTO and the aspects of Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) to the common man. The publication deals with various aspects of WTO and Indian agriculture such as Agreement on Agriculture (AoA); Summary of salient features of WTO; Milk and milk products; WTO and oilseeds; WTO and aquaculture and marine products etc in a brief manner so that the farmers, extension functionaries and KVK personnel can understand the facts about WTO in a simpler way.

Handbook on Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices for Field Veterinarians, KVK – CTRI, Rajahmundry.

This publication is a practical and need based knowledge supplementary to the field veterinarians. Topics related to quality milk production, livestock transport, disease management, fertility management, techniques for improving the reproductive efficiency etc. has been discussed. The chapter on Herd Health Constants helps as a ready reckoner for the extension functionaries and veterinarians. Altogether there are 11 chapters giving the technological details about the various aspects of the animal husbandry practices useful to the field veterinarians.

Package of Practices for Enhancing Farm Productivity (Vol I and II), 2002, KVK – CTRI,Rajahmundry

The book published in two volumes help the farmers in knowing about different package of practices recommended to improve the productivity in their farm. The contents of the book also help them to reduce the cultivation cost and minimize the risk involved in the farming. Income generation activities given in the book helps to increase their subsidiary income and resource sustainability. There are two volumes published covering the package of practices related to crop production, animal science, home science and rural crafts. Altogether there are 95 topics given in the book covering various technological details, package of practices helpful to the farmers and rural women.

Technology Inventory for Livestock and Poultry Development in NE Region, 2008. Zonal Coordinating Unit (Zone III), Barapani, Meghalaya

The book details the technology inventory with respect to livestock and poultry production system in the NE region. A detailed analysis of problems and technological solutions with respect to the dairy cattle, pig, small ruminants, yak, mithun and poultry production in the NE region are given in the book. The book also delineates the technologies need to be assessed and refined by the extension system through On Farm Testing in the farmers’ field. In addition, it also gives the details of those technologies that can be taken up for frontline demonstrations and subsequent training by the KVKs. Therefore, it is a useful guide and reference for the KVK and extension functionaries to plan their OFT, FLD and training programmes.

Agricultural Farming in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 1998. Published by Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Port Blair

It gives a detailed outline of the Agriculture Farming in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Soils, land use pattern, livestock and poultry production and Aquaculture Development are discussed in detail. The highlight of the book is it suggests a systems approach and farming systems development for sustainable agriculture in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of Agriculture development in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is analysed and the information is a highly valuable one. The work also provides information about the maximum carrying capacity for the Islands in terms of cattle and poultry. The document is a valuable reference material for the researchers, policy planners and administrators working for the development of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Virivakka Kalvi (Extension Education in Tamil version) - published by NCBH, Madras.

It is a textbook on Extension Education written in Tamil. It is the first of its kind written and published in the regional language Tamil. It gives out the details of Extension Education methods, principles, techniques, AV Aids use, Extension programme planning, concept of rural sociology and leadership. Factors in the innovation adoption and TOT programmes in simpler way so that the grass root level workers can understand easily in their native language. Subscribed as available study material for the State Adult Education Programme Workers, Agricultural Extension Workers and VLWS involved in the extension work.

Pallurpathi Perukkathirkana Thozil Nutpangal (Technologies for Enhancing Milk Production), NCBH, Madras.

In this book, all the available technologies in the field of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences were compiled and presented in a form understandable to the farmer. It gives valuable information to the farmers about, recent technologies available for breeding, feeding, health coverage for their livestock and establishing a modern dairy unit so as to enhance the milk production. It is a valuable piece of work giving the details of modern technologies under one head.

User friendly Data Base Management System for income generation training programme. K.V.K. CTRI (ICAR), Rajahmundry. (Along with CD containing the programme)

For a systematic approach and easy monitoring of the training programmes especially to assess the impact of the training programmes it is felt necessary to develop a data base system. This database will help us to keep in track of various training programmes conducted, categorization of beneficiaries, benefits achieved, financial support received etc. so that the monitoring and evaluation of the training programmes become easy. Keeping in view of the above idea, a database management system was developed and published which is available along with CD containing the software helps in retrieval of the information related to income generating programmes conducted by KVK and make comparative study on various training programmes conducted from time to time.

It helps for a systematic approach and easy monitoring of the training programmes especially to assess the impact of the training programmes. This book on database management system along with the software package will help to keep in track of various training programmes conducted, categorization of beneficiaries, benefits achieved, financial support received etc so that monitoring and evaluation of the training programmes become easy..

Dairy Development in India: Challenges and Opportunities

The details about the status of dairying in India are covered in the book. The challenges faced by the dairying in terms of globalization and domestic factors, the phases of dairy development, processing capacity and the opportunities to be explored have been dealt with.

Agricultural Technology Inventory for NE Region, Joint Publication of ZPD, Zone III and AAU, Jorhat, 2009

The publication is the outcome of compilation of applicable and potential technologies related to field crops, horticultural crops, animal husbandry, fisheries and home science sectors. The inventory is a ready reference for KVKs and field extension personnel to select appropriate technologies for conducting on farm trials, demonstration and training programmes according to their situation and technological status.

Training Needs and Methodologies for Agricultural Development in NE region, ZPD Zone III, Barapani, 2009

The book presents a comprehensive coverage of the training methodologies, training need assessment of farmers, rural youths and KVK personnel of NE Region. All basic concepts related to training along with various methods that can be used by KVK scientists are discussed in the book.

Extension and Training Methodologies for KVK Functionaries, Joint Publication of ZCU Zone III and AAU, Jorhat 2008

The book deals in detail about various methodologies related to the extension and training. The book consists of 38 chapters dealing with methodological aspects like experiential learning, monitoring and evaluation, PRA, development of rural entrepreneurship, etc. The book is a joint publication of AAU, Jorhat and Zonal Coordinating Unit, Zone III, Barapani.

Concepts,Approaches and Methodologies for Technology Application and Transfer. Zonal Project Directorate, Zone III, 2009

This book received wide acknowledgement and appreciation from peer groups, KVKs, SAUs and ICAR Institutes and Experts. This book is considered as a resource book for KVKs and Extension functionaries. The book presents a comprehensive coverage including genesis, growth and importance of KVKs, tools to get started with problem identification in the district, guidelines to conduct technology assessment, refinement and demonstration with examples, training methodology, core concepts used in extension, communication and management, tools for impact assessment and basic statistics. The central schemes and innovations by various KVKs are also included along with knowledge management strategies and project management techniques. A chapter on WTO and agreement on agriculture followed by useful action tools and associated reviews sums up the book.

Farming System Research/ Extension for Agricultural Development in NE Region, Zonal Project Directorate, Zone III, 2010

The book is considered as first of its attempt covering the farming systems prevailing in all the agro climatic zones of NE Region. A comprehensive study of FSA was conducted in 44 districts of NE region to design FSR/E programmes suitable for NE region. FSR/E is one of the important approaches and it is essential for the agricultural development professionals to have an understanding and clarity about the farming system research and extension. In this publication, an attempt is made to clarify the concepts for a better understanding about the farming system research and extension in the context of development in NE region.

Livestock Extension Education

An effort was made through this publication to give a fairly good description of various concepts, methodologies and approaches in livestock extension which will be of great use to the students, researchers’ livestock extension functionaries and policy planners. National goal and extension approaches, current extension scenario, extension and development programmes, technology application and impact analysis are the highlights of the issues discussed in the book.

Vision 2020- KVKs in NE region, Joint Publication of ZPD Zone III, State Departments and SAUs, 2009, 2010

The state wise vision documents on KVKs in NE region deals with the thrust areas, vision, mission and development strategies for each district in the NE region. The document guides the KVK functionaries and various stakeholders involved in the agricultural development in NE region. The details of yield gap, technological requirements and action plan for a sustainable development planned through KVKs is given in the vision 2020 publication. This publication provides a better understanding of present agricultural scenario, constraints and opportunities for agricultural development in the state

Usefulness of the books published at various levels

Livestock Extension Education

The serial numbers of the book list is given under 
1. Dairy Farming in Tropics, MD Publication, New Delhi.
2. Dairy Development in India: An appraisal of challenges and Achievements. Concept Publishers, New Delhi
3. Introduction to Research Methodology
4. Technology communication and AV Aids in Extension Education
5. Learning from failures: Management cases in agricultural extension
6. Farming system analysis and agricultural development in the tribal areas of east Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh
7. Improved fodder production technologies for higher milk production
8. Rural Handicrafts – an impact analysis study
9. Agriculture, environment and forest: towards reconciliation
10. World Trade Organization and Indian Agriculture
11. Handbook on Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Practices for Field Veterinarians
12. Package of Practices for Enhancing Farm Productivity (Vol I)
13. Package of Practices for Enhancing Farm Productivity (Vol II)
14. Technology Inventory for Livestock and Poultry Development in NE Region 
15. Agricultural farming in Andaman and Nicobar Islands
16. Virivakkak Kalvi (Extension Education – Tamil)
17. Technologies for increasing milk production – Tamil Version
18. User friendly data base management system for income generation
19. Dairy development in India: Challenges and Opportunities
20. Agricultural Technology Inventory for North Eastern Region
21. Training Needs and Methodologies for Agricultural Development in North Eastern Region
22. Extension and Training Methodology for KVK functionaries
23. Concepts, Approaches and Methodologies for Technology Application and Transfer – A Resource Book for KVKs
24. Farming System Research/ Extension for Agricultural Development in NE region
25. Livestock Extension Education